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Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we have to pay for both PASF and convention registration fees?
PASF Fees are used for scholarships and travel and convention fees are used to pay for convention fees and expenses. ​
Will you take a P.O. by the postmark deadline?
Yes! ​
Why is there a late fee?
We are assessed late fees if we don't submit our payments on time.​ We get charged additional monies for adding people after the deadline.
When is the convention?
Dates vary year to year.
Where is the convention?
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center​
WHERE Can I Find:
Registration and Membership
Click on Membership.
Scholarship and Culture Trip
Click on Scholarship.
Scrapbook, Poster and Workshop
Click on Publicity.
Click on Contest.
Noche Show and Rio Show
Click on Program.​
General Questions
Click on President.​
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